Review – Revoltech Zoids Blade Liger

If I was asked to describe the Revoltech Zoids Blade Liger* in one word that would be easy: disappointing. I’m usually quite happy with the Revoltech toys ( search*), but the Blade Liger is more frustrating than fun. So frustrating, in fact, that playing with it cured any desires I had for other Revoltech Zoids toys.

Articulation Problems
The Revoltech joints work great, but the Blade Liger sculpt blocks most of the toy’s range of motion. It’s a great-looking toy, but trying to pose the Blade Liger is a bit of headache as you have to twist and pull the parts in various directions while attempting to avoid another piece of the toy that’s just exactly in the wrong place. When I first started to work on this review I had planned to snap a lot more photos, but as I played with the toy I found myself less and less interested in sinking energy into posing the toy. And in the end I just quit snapping pictures because I wasn’t having fun with the toy.

Durable and Cool
The Revoltech Zoids Blade Liger* isn’t a cheap toy; the plastic’s great and the colors look sharp in person. In fact, if it wasn’t for the frustrations of positioning the various parts — and there are a lot of them — I’d likely be recommending this toy to everyone since it does feel like it’s gonna last. But I can’t stress enough just how annoying it was for me to try and get the toy into interesting poses.

I Don’t Even Want to Write This Review
Seriously, this should have been an awesome toy. But, for me, it’s not. I’m just not having any fun with it — every time I finally get a joint positioned the way I want it something else shifts — and it’s unfair of me to waste your time saying over and over how much I dislike the toy. See this review at CollectionDX for a more favorable look at the toy. I’m done.

Philip Reed feels bad that this review doesn’t have a lot more photos and detailed information on the toy, but he feels that saying “I don’t like this” should be enough for now.
The Blade Liger is my favorite design from Zoids, and when they first announced they were doing Zoids Revoltechs, I was a bit hesitant. Unlike robots or human beings, Zoids have animal based bodies that need a lot more joints than just legs and arms on a person. So it’s no surprise that this thing is so fiddly. I can definitely understand why you are not happy with this thing for sure.
@Dkun – I’d love to see someone create a poseable, truly awesome Blade Liger. This toy isn’t it, but it’s a good start because the sculpt is fun. I bet a customizer could take this exact toy and improve on it.
Well, about a year ago Yamato (the company who makes all those high end Macross toys) made a really awesome Shield Liger. Hopefully that means they’ll do the Blade Liger along with some of the other iconic designs from the Zoids line in the near future.