Review – Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombi

Since this is the third time that I’ve posted a review of the Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombi vinyl toy (first review here, second review here) I’m going to let you guys off easy and make this mostly a chance to share photos and not an opportunity for me to rattle on and on. But don’t worry, because I used enough worthless words in the last two reviews of this sculpt to keep you guys entertained for almost three minutes.
Return to Toy Tokyo
While I was in New York for Toy Fair I took a trip to Toy Tokyo where I bought two toys: one was this latest Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombi and the second was a three-pack of Toygraph Space Troopers. I’ll get to the Space Troopers one of these days (the poor guys are still sealed in their plastic bag), but yesterday I just had to take a few moments to get this Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombi onto the shelf with the other two. And dammit, but wouldn’t you know that I still love the design . . . and now I want another one.
I’m an Idiot
Damn. So at the store I spent $80 to buy this toy. Why am I an idiot? Because if I had any sense I would have checked the website first and spent just $50 for the exact same toy; the Toy Tokyo website clearly lists $50 as the price. When I was at the store back in November they gave me a random — and very lame — reason for why the store prices and website prices are so dramatically different and I really need to remember to always check the site. I’m kinda scared to search for the Space Troopers that I bought . . . my luck it’s some sort of “free if you’re not too stupid to use our website” promotion that will make me cry.
Closing Thoughts
Anyway, the Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombi design is fantastic and in a perfect world either these guys would still be running the mold or I would be given the opportunity to buy all of the Skull Zombi toy designs so that I could start getting new head sculpts and new colorways on the market. Because, as you know, I totally have time to add “make vinyl toys” to the list of things that I do every day.
Philip Reed has ideas for how to spend his time. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any time to spend.
Well, not a pumpkin – – but a cheese head!