Review – Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombie

Back in April of this year I reviewed the Vinyl Junkies Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombi toy (review here) and at that time mentioned a yellow version of the toy that was available at Toy Tokyo. Well, as you can see I finally broke down and ordered that yellow Screaming Pumpkin Skull Zombi . . . which may have been a terrible idea.
Now I want another one of these fantastic vinyl toys.

We’ve Seen this Toy Before
As I mentioned I’ve already reviewed this toy so I’ve covered the basics before (see the first review). That means that what you’re going to get this time around is mostly photos; the articulation, sculpt, and paint apps were all covered in that first review and I suggest you read the earlier review if this is your first exposure to the toy. Or don’t if the photos have you at all interested in the toy. It’s pretty damned sweet and the temptation to buy one may be too much for you to resist if you look at two reviews of the design at the same time.

A Pearlescent-Yellowish-Goldish Color
The toy was described as yellow which is only kinda accurate. If you hold it in your hands — or enlarge the photos shown here — you can see that there’s more than just a yellow going on with the toy’s plastic base. I’m not sure what effect was used, but there’s something shimmering and great going on that gives the toy more depth than you see at first glance. And the paint wipe and detail work add to the depth; both black and a rustish color have been applied to that yellow/gold and it contrasts nicely, popping all of the details perfectly.

Closing Thoughts
Seriously, see my first Screaming Pumpkin review and then consider jumping over to Toy Tokyo and grabbing yourself one of these designs in any color. If you’re a fan of pumpkins, monsters, and vinyl then it all comes together in this toy and — as you can see in the photos — it comes together beautifully.

I’m glad I eventually broke down and ordered this because the two colors look great together. I just hope that I can find a few more of these at low prices because a rainbow squad of Screaming Pumpkins would look gorgeous on the shelf.

Philip Reed is not responsible for the number of toys others buy after reading his reviews. He suggests not coming to if you have any fear that the reviews will make you want to buy toys.