Review – Space Armor Iron Man Mini-Bust

This Space Armor Iron Man Mini-Bust* was produced earlier this year by Bowen Designs (official website, at Sideshow Collectibles*) is one more Iron Man statue in my collection and is, like everything Bowen creates, a gorgeous work of art. After preparing this photos and thinking through what to say in the review I realized something . . .

. . . there just isn’t a hell of a lot I can say that you can’t tell by looking at the photos. Just like the other Bowen Designs busts I’ve reviewed before — Hulkbuster review here, Iron Monger review here — the quality is fantastic with a great sculpt, excellent paintwork, and a great price for a statue of this size and quality.

Dust is the Enemy
One problem with collecting statues and toys is that dusting is a constant chore. And even when you think you’ve gotten all of the dust off — as I thought I did with this Space Armor Iron Man Mini-Bust* before snapping photos — there is still some dust hiding. And there’s nothing like the macro setting on your camera and twenty minutes in Photoshop to show the couple of spots where even compressed air couldn’t save you. Damn dust.

I Need More Bowen Iron Man Statues
Actually, I have more of them I need to review. Bowen Designs (official website, at Sideshow Collectibles*) does amazing work and they deserve a better review of their statue than I’m giving them, but it’s only because there isn’t a lot I can say beyond telling you to buy this (and every statue) if you like the look of it.

Closing Thoughts
You mean besides saying that this statue is great and looks amazing with other Iron Man pieces? Because that’s all I’ve got. Highly recommended to anyone who collects Iron Man statues and toys.

Philip Reed needs to start posting “photo reviews” for those pieces that really don’t need a lot of words.
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