Review – Star Wars Biker Scout Mini-Bust

It’s time for another Star Wars bust from Gentle Giant (website, Twitter), this time going all of the way back to 2003 for their Biker Scout bust (at*). It was reviewing their Storm Commando bust back in January that led me to order this bust, and now that I’ve set the two pieces together I can say I’m quite happy that I bought this older bust for my collection.

Great Paint
As near as I can figure, Gentle Giant has produced cool statues since the beginning of time. I may not love the Bust-Ups series, but when it comes to busts and statues everything I own by them is simply incredible. And this Biker Scout doesn’t disappoint, with the paintwork perfect and applied evenly and neatly. The black and white armor of the Scout Trooper is depicted just as it should be; and check the pics to see just how cool it really is.

Awesome Sculpt
From the distinctive Biker Scout helmet to the pistol every detail is sculpted as good as I could expect; the bust looks like it was pulled right out of Return of the Jedi and having it in my collection is doing something terrible to me; it’s making want to buy more Gentle Giant pieces. Click on the images below and check out the details on the folds of the cloth bodysuit; that’s just one of the sculpted details that make this such a great piece.

Recommended to Stormtrooper Fans
If you collect Stormtrooper statues and toys and don’t have this Biker Scout bust then I’m gonna say it’s worth tracking down, especially if you have the newer Storm Commando bust (review here). I don’t have a lot to say except: Wow, this looks great and I’m happy to have it with my other Stormtrooper pieces.

Philip Reed is now starting to wonder what other Biker Scout pieces he should be searching for.