Review – Star Wars Real Mask Magnets

Yesterday at Target I uncovered these Star Wars Real Mask* magnets for $4/each. And at first I thought these were completely new, but a quick peek at the copyright notice showed that they came out in 2008. Okay, so I’m late to the party . . . again.

These make excellent companions to the Star Wars Power Plates (review here) and at just $4/each the price is low enough that they’re also great stocking stuffers this holiday season. The magnets are just heads, but the two that I bought are beautifully made and feel good and sturdy. They’re a soft, rubbery plastic and as you can see in the photo below they also look good next to statues and busts.

Simple and Nice
These aren’t exactly the most exciting of Star Wars collectibles out there, but they’re inexpensive and the two I’ve got are sculpted nicely and have really nice paint jobs. As you can see, both Zuckuss and IG-88 look sharp enough that they would look great in any collection of bounty hunters.

Closing Thoughts
These aren’t for everyone, but if you’ve got a collection of Star Wars oddities and a flat metallic surface then I think these are well worth grabbing a few of at $8/each. I’ve no idea why they’re in Target three years after release — actually, I suspect a supply was found in a warehouse somewhere — but I think I’ll go back to Target and maybe buy one or two more.
And now I want to find the Stormtrooper and Boba Fett magnets that were shown on the back of the package as second series pieces.

Philip Reed suspects that most people out there are too intelligent to fall for the magnetized head trap. Luckily for Target he’s not one of he smart people and he’s all set to buy a few more magnets.
You forgot adding a turnarround pic! Could those work also as 1/6 scale masks with some crafting arround? Or are they too flat for that?
Here’s answer to your question why these are up now: Those are repacked from blindbags that came out 2008/09 and there’s like … 20 or so different heads out there: droids, troopers, chewie and all stuff like this. they were 4$ back then too, but at a steep price like this you won’t end up buying that many if you may be lucky and end up with trillion of IG88 heads (they were also encased in a minitray inside the case so it made it feel through much harder).
@Ralph – The back is completely flat and has a magnet. Someone crafty might be able to finish out the back of the head.