Review – Star Wars Republic Commando PGM 2012 Mini Bust (Light-Up Visor)
A couple of years ago I managed to snag all four of the Gentle Giant (website*, Twitter) Star Wars Republic Commando mini-busts. Gorgeous pieces, and as soon as the 2012 Republic Commando exclusive bust* was announced I ordered it . . . and here it is!

A Stunning Work
These guys always make amazing statues, and ever since playing the Republic Commando game ( search*) — and yes, reading the novels — I’ve loved these guys. Hell, they’re basically special forces Stormtroopers so how can I not love them? A blend of Stormtrooper, Clone Trooper, and Boba Fett armor, the Republic Commando design won me over instantly while the gameplay on my X-Box kept me hooked.

And with this small statue, Gentle Giant (website*, Twitter) brought those armored characters to life in a way that looks remarkable on my shelves. Crisp, clean lines that we expect from the company and . . . damn, I love this piece so much I am rambling on and on and not really saying anything valuable. Sorry, let me wipe up the drool.

LED Visor
One of the little details that really makes the Republic Commando exclusive bust* pop off of the shelf is that blue glowing visor. A switch on the bottom activates the light inside the bust’s helmeted head, and as I feel the pics demonstrate the effect is gorgeous. If you look through these pics you’ll be able to quickly spot which pics show the visor lit and which ones show the visor dark. It’s a dramatic difference in appearance.

I Should “Review” the Other Busts
Okay, this “review” is obviously just going to be an excuse to share photos of the Republic Commando exclusive bust* so I’ll admit that and close things out by saying:
Expect to see pics of the other four busts in the line over the next month or so. It has to happen, right?