Review – Strengthen Equipment Upgrade Kit (For Transformers Generations Trailcutter and Hoist)
Designed for use with Hasbro’s official Transformers Generations Trailcutter* and Transformers Generations Hoist*, the X2 Toys Strengthen Equipment upgrade kit is far more fun than I was expecting. This kit goes a long way to making both of the toys more like their Generation One designs and is definitely worth buying if you’ve already got both of the official Hasbro toys.
First up are the parts to enhance the official Transformers Generations Hoist* toy. An orange plastic assembly pieces attaches to the rear of the truck mode and the official toy’s crane plugs into the new part. Additionally, a chromed weapon snaps into the back in truck mode and plugs into the fist in robot mode.
Stickers — including stickers that are designed to go over the official toy’s little bit of design on the doors — complete the look. The stickers surprised me; these are high quality stickers and they do a lot of make the basic toys from Hasbro look much better. Compare these shots of the upgraded toy to the official Hasbro pics of Hoist* and I think you’ll agree with me: the stickers are great!
Next up we get the new parts for use with Hasbro’s Transformers Generations Trailcutter* toy. While not quite as instantly obvious as Hoist’s upgrade parts, the new pieces for Trailcutter work quite well. A chromed weapon that plugs into the fist is the most obvious new piece, but the small plastic attachment that allows Trailcutter to mount the shield to his back cannot be ignored. I wasn’t a fan of the shield, so attaching it to his back made me quite happy.
And yet again the stickers make things better! Check the official Hasbro Trailcutter pics* and I think you’ll find that the upgraded toy is far more colorful and looks much, much better than the basic toy does.
Closing Thoughts
With the upgrade parts for both Transformers Generations Trailcutter* and Transformers Generations Hoist* in a single package I’m sure the audience for this upgrade is limited, but if you do fit the target market I recommend tracking this kit down. This is exactly the sort of thing I love from the third party Transformers makers: new bits to enhance already fun toys.