Review – Super Mario Bros. Coin Candy

I already posted pics from the Boston America Corp. booth at New York Toy Fair (post here), but since they were so kind as to give me a few tins I thought I’d tackle a slightly different review and take a quick peek at their Super Mario Bros. Coin Candy package. There’s not a lot to say so let’s jump right in.

Neat Tin
As you can see, this small tin looks just like it’s ready to be smashed and the prize claimed. It’s a nice enough tin, and I can see where someone could collect a ton of these and form some neat little walls and towers for a display of Super Mario Bros. toys. The tin is durable, easy to open, and exactly what it looks like.

Forgettable Candy
Inside are tiny coin candy pieces and I couldn’t even begin to guess what flavor they’re meant to be. They are small, yellow, and completely forgettable. These aren’t bad candies, but I promise you that no one out here buys this tin for the candy.

Closing Thoughts
The Super Mario Bros. Coin Candy is a cute tin and an excellent collectible for fans of Super Mario Bros. But whatever you do don’t buy this for the candy; buy it for the metal container and be happy that it’s such a tough, small package that can be used to hide your really small valuables.
Philip Reed thinks he should also review the Pac-Man bandages he was given . . . because there’s little that’s as much fun as posting photos of strange things.
I bought one of these about a year and a half ago. And I bought it just for the tin($3.99!). The funny thing is that the candies are still inside.