Review – Takara Transformers Head-Master Set
Hasbro’s Transformers Titans Return toyline (find at*) is the best official Transformers series in years. The toys are playable, well designed, and the integration of the Headmasters gimmick into the toys has made me a very happy Transformers fan over the last year. You know what would make things just a little sweeter? A pack of just the small robots.
That’s where Takara enters the picture with the Head-Master Set of six small robots.

The six heads packed inside the set are:
- Chromedome
- Hardhead
- Brainstorm
- Gong (Brawn)
- Grimlock
- Flywheels (Skytread)

As you can see, this is a pretty basic and straightforward set without anything unusual to detract from the coolness of getting six of the Transformers Titans Return (find at*) little robots in one box. And, best of all, the box is designed in such a way that you can remove the robots, play with them, and then repack the set for display. I’m totally showing off the pack in the box!

Worth It?
Not really, no. All that makes this set truly worth it to someone is if you’re a serious fan of the small Headmaster-like robots that are packed in the Transformers Titans Return toyline (find at*). I know there are some out there who don’t enjoy the series quite as much as I do, but if you have fallen in love with those little robots — if, for example, you are sad that the unofficial Hephaistos Works Garage pack was cancelled — then this set was made for you.

Titans Return Reviews
For more of the line, please check these other reviews that I have posted to
- Transformers: Titans Return Nightbeat
- Transformers: Titans Return Loudmouth
- Transformers: Titans Return Hardhead
- Transformers: Titans Return Terri-Bull
- Transformers: Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime
- Transformers: Titans Return Crashbash
- Transformers: Titans Return Scourge
- Transformers: Titans Return Hot Rod

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