Review – Terminator Salvation T-RIP Bust

Originally priced at $80, I recently spotted this Terminator Salvation T-RIP Bust* for almost 75% off. That was a hell of a good savings, and I had some cash in my Amazon account, so I decided to give the tiny statue a shot. I don’t think I would have been all that happy if I had spent the full $80 on the statue, but for $23 this was an awesome deal and one that I’m glad I took advantage of.

This isn’t the first time that we’ve taken a look at a T-RIP robot from Terminator Salvation (3.75-inch T-RIP action figure review here), but I can say that this is the most detailed and coolest T-RIP that I’ve posted to the site. Sculptor Oliver Brig did an incredible job translating the robot to statue form and be sure you click on each of the images to enlarge them; the details on the base are especially nice, but overall I have to say that this is tight work and far nicer than the action figure.

Though we do expect a lot more from a statue than we do an action figure, so it’s a little unfair for me to compare the two. But when the statue’s of such a great robotic design — and of an action figure that’s already kinda neat — there’s no way that I can’t look at one without thinking of the other.

Wow. There may not be a lot of paintwork here — that happens when you’re dealing with a piece that’s almost one single color — but what paint there is has been masterfully applied. I may have my complaints with DC Direct action figures, but when it comes to statues they produce work that almost rivals Bowen Designs and Gentle Giant. There are a few rough edges here and there, and I wish they had applied the wash a little heavier in places, but in the end the paint is almost as excellent as the sculpt and there’s really no reason for me to be unhappy with my purchase.

So Why the “I don’t think I would have been all that happy if I had spent the full $80” Comment?
Because as cool as the work is the bust feels a little small for the $80 original price tag. That may be mainly because of the skeletal design of the T-RIP — with it so thin the statue just feels a little small when compared to pieces like the Star Wars Concept Darth Vader Bust (review here), Star Wars Boba Fett Concept Bust (review here), and the Star Wars 2-1B Mini-Bust (which, while a robot, has some bulk to the torso) (review here) — gives the statue less presence than other busts of the same height.

But regardless of the reasons my gut tells me that $80 would have felt like too much for the statue. $60 as an original price would have been perfect . . . $23 was just too insanely good for what I got. I am betting this deal won’t last long and in a few years the statue will be going for its original price (or higher) on the aftermarket. Makes me happy I scored mine when I did.

Closing Thoughts
Click through to the larger versions of the pics here and see for yourself why I’m still a bit surprised that I managed to snag this Terminator Salvation T-RIP Bust* for just $23. The only really negative thing I can say about the statue is now that I have it I’m starting to look around at other Terminator statues and busts; as usual, finding an awesome deal on something cool is starting to lead me down a dangerous path.

Philip Reed is taking the T-RIP to work so that it can live in his collection at the office . . . where it can inspire others to do as commanded or suffer the terrible wrath of the Terminator.
Uhmmm, why is there just a black wash on the head ??