Review – The Amazing Spider-Man, Armored Lizard Car
After taking a little time yesterday to look at one of the DC Hot Wheels toy cars (The Flash review here) I thought it might be fun to take a second look at a Marvel toy car. Today we have Maisto’s Armored Lizard, a repaint of the Armored Iron Man toy car from 2010 (review here). And with my love of displaying repaints together this release made an okay toy car in my collection even better.

I’m Such a Nerd
Is it wrong that as I flipped through the pegs of The Amazing Spider-Man toy cars I immediately recognized this design? The Iron Man version seemed custom-designed for the Iron Man character, but now that I see the Armored Lizard car I start to wonder how long Maisto has been using this design. I ran a few searches and didn’t have any luck finding other uses of this design; does anyone know how many times Maisto has repainted and released this car?

Great in Green
The Iron Man version (review here) looked perfectly created for the character, but in terms of sheer wowness I prefer this green Lizard version. But without the tampo printing — and without the packaging to tell me — I never would have guessed that this was meant to be a “Lizard” car. Actually, even the tampo printing immediately makes me think this is a Green Goblin car. So as a “the Lizard needed a car” toy this is kinda failing at the goal.

Closing Thoughts
I think the DC Hot Wheels toy cars do a much better job of getting across the costumes/designs of the characters in car form than this Maisto does for Marvel’s Lizard character. The design is neat and all, but unlike the Bane or Killer Croc cars from DC Hot Wheels I never would have known which character this was meant for without the packaging. It’s neat and all, but it is not great.