Review – Toygraph’s Space Trooper VX

When my Toygraph Ghost Trooper (review here) arrived last week he wasn’t alone; this Space Trooper VX was also in the box. Quite similar to the Ghost Trooper — not identical, but the arms, legs, and torsos are clearly based on the same concept — this will be a very short review that focuses more on the photos than my wordy nonsense. I hope you guys will forgive me for not rambling on and on.
The Helmet is Removable
The biggest difference between this guy and the Ghost Trooper is that the VX has a brainy skull-like noggin beneath a helmet while the Ghost Trooper is helmetless and his ghosty head is escaping into the darkness of space. The photo above shows the toy with the helmet removed, and if you were to look at the two figures side-by-side you would instantly see where the helmet would connect to the Ghost Trooper’s torso . . . if his massive head wasn’t in the way. This post at toybot studios makes what is happening quite clear:
My understanding is that a Space Trooper has lost his helmet in space and this is what happens.
But this is supposed to be about the Space Trooper VX and not the Ghost Trooper, so let’s move on.
What’s a “VX” Space Trooper?
Thanks to the fantastic Encyclopedia of Kaiju (at the Super7 store) I was both able to properly identify this particular Space Trooper and I can even quote a small section of the book to help you understand what this guy is:
These are genius scientists with IQs over 1,000. Their group produces all of the weapons used by the Space Troopers. Their personalities are very cold, and they are sadists who enjoy experimenting on live subjects. They’re from the Planet Yabuu.
So what we have here are the scary brainiacs of the Space Troopers. That explains the massive brain hiding beneath the helmet.
Translucent Purple
Roughly 5-inches tall, the Space Trooper VX is cast mostly in translucent purple — the head if GITD white — with the details painted on. Like the Ghost Trooper the paint isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty good and looks excellent when the toy’s displayed on a shelf. I really do with we were getting tighter paint on these toys — especially for the prices — but this isn’t so bad that it drives me away from the line.
Closing Thoughts
The Space Trooper VX is great, but I’ve gotta say that the Ghost Trooper has a much more exciting and fun design. But that’s kinda to be expected, since the Ghost Trooper came late in the series and built on the foundation created by figures like this Space Trooper VX.
I can’t explain why I love these, but after having a few of them I can safely say that I’m going to get more of these. And not just these single figure designs; I’m gonna have to track down one of the UFO releases in the Space Trooper series.
Philip Reed has already ordered another Ghost Trooper that he spotted online for half price. If he can keep finding toys in this series for low prices then he’ll soon have an army.
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