Review – Transformers Bot Shots Thundercracker

A few months ago I posted a review of the Transformers Bot Shots toy (review here) . . . and now it’s time for a second one since I found Thundercracker in Wal-Mart. Every bit as cute as the other Transformers Bot Shots toys ( search*) this review will be mostly photos. I know, you’re all breathing a sigh of relief know that you know I won’t be jabbering away and distracting you from the pics.

As you can see, Thundercracker follows the same super-deformed styling as the other toys in the line. Squat, rounded, and silly, a little bit boxy, there’s nothing for me to hate and everything to love about the sculpt. Even in jet mode, below, the toy’s so adorable that seeing it makes me want more. Hasbro did an excellent job on the sculpts in the line and I can completely understand why kids are buying these little Transformers toys.

If you watch the Barricade video review I posted back in April then you can see how these toys transform. Just roll them into something — like another Bot Shots toy or a wall — and when the nose hits it activates the transformation and the toy just pops up into robot mode. It doesn’t always land on its feet, but Matt Doughty (Onell Design) pointed out to me that if you adjust the screws on the toy’s chest you can affect the sensitivity of the transformation. That’s good, since I had a couple of these that were transforming when I opened a door in the house.

Minimal. Functional. Okay. Yeah, those words describe the toy’s paint fairly well. It’s not spectacular, but when your toy is designed to ram into other toys do you really want a blow a ton of cash on detailed paint apps? I am 100% satisfied with the paint, even if all I want now is a Skywarp to go with Thundercracker and Starscream.

Closing Thoughts
I’m clearly a Transformers Bot Shots series ( search*) fan and I think you will be to . . . but only if you rip one of these toys open and play with it. They’re inexpensive, cute, and they feel like they’ll really stand up to a beating.
And that’s important when a toy is designed to crash into things. Hasbro really did a great job with this series. I’m impressed and quite happy.

Philip Reed bets that if he had a little glass display case with lights for Bot Shots toys then they would look even neater lined up and staring at him. He should investigate case options.