Review – Transformers Cosmos

Short, kinda tubby, and with an unusual vehicle mode — a UFO isn’t exactly the best “disguise” option out there — Cosmos always looked kinda dumb as a toy . . . but he got enough play in the old Transformers cartoons to make me love him despite how stupid he looks. And, years later, Cosmos no longer looks quite as dumb to me as he once did; but he’s still a squat little guy.

Vehicle Mode
As you can see, Cosmos is a fairly classic bell-shaped UFO. Everything folds up quite nicely, with the only real indication that this is a robot in disguise being the yellow legs that are faintly visible on the front dome of the vehicle mode. The sticker on the front gives the toy quite a bit of detail and, shockingly, the sticker is holding up well after 27 years. It looks like Cosmos could have used another round with cleaning, though, because there’s still quite a bit of dust on my toy. I tried, really, but after so many years I think some of that dust is a permanent addition to the toy.

Robot Mode
And here he is, the squat Transformer that could. If you take a look at Cosmos’ TFWiki entry you can see that even in illustrations he looks a bit short and stubby. It’s just how the character is shaped, and today I better appreciate the fun behind the character design than I did back in the eighties. My favorite features have to be the exhaust as fingers/guns and the way Cosmos’ head extends from the body — and the face design is adorable — but every bit of the design comes together to make the robot mode far more lovable than I ever realized. Playing with this makes me a little anxious to see how iGear’s unofficial Cosmos (last mentioned here) looks next to the original.

Closing Thoughts
While Cosmos would never really be accepted in the Transformers line today — the transformation is too simple and articulation almost non-existent — it’s tough to say something bad about a toy/character that has been around for so very long. It’s not at all perfect and not even one of the better 1985 Autobot minis — Powerglide and Warpath compete for top spot in my mind — but it’s got a lot of style and stands out as a unique design. While so many of those first few years of toys were cars and planes, Cosmos stood out as a completely fictitious UFO that probably should have never even been added to the line. And that makes him more special than if he had been a rocket, space shuttle, or satellite.

Philip Reed hopes that everyone enjoys the look back at an older Transformers toy . . . even one as silly as Cosmos.
I like the guy alot. The new tooled and reinterpreted fans produced version is neat, but this toy is super neat nevertheless. He’s like an oldtimer character right from start blending the 80ies robot transformation with the 50/60ies UFO imagery very nicely. He could be the once sendout messenger/spy agent in charge for checking out earth for the transformers or in the likes.
yeah, he does what a toy has to do: fuel your imagination.
@Ralph – One of the things that I think makes those original minibots so neat is that they’re all so simple that kids had to use their imaginations.
That now makes me wonder: Does fewer points of articulation on a toy force a child to use more of his imagination?
Cosmos is actually based on a “real” UFO, shown in photos by Georg Adamski. See one of the photos here and tell me that’s not Cosmos:
George, that is.