Review – Transformers “Dark of the Moon” Space Case
After looking at this mold twice already in the last week — Transformers Terradive review here, Transformers Depth Charge review here — it’s getting to the point I actually don’t have a lot to say about the 2011 version of the toy. Well, regardless of whether or not I should chat about things it’s time we pull out the Target exclusive Transformers Space Case* and take a look at the design once more.

Seriously, Kids, We’ve Seen This Mold Before
If you have not yet read the two earlier reviews — Transformers Terradive review here, Transformers Depth Charge review here — do that and get the basics about the design. I can summarize easily, though, by stating:
Very nice!!!

New Head
The Target exclusive Transformers Space Case* features a new head sculpt, but unfortunately it is still a little more movie-like than I like to see in my Transformers designs. It’s closer to Generation One in feel, but something about still feels a little off to me and keeps me from absolutely falling in love with the character design. But I’m old and cranky, so it’s best if you ignore me and just decide for yourself what you think about this new head design.

Made of Ice!
Not really, but one fantastic thing about the Target exclusive Space Case* is the semi-translucent plastic that almost has an icy-look to the design. These photos in no way do the plastic justice, but if you hold the toy in your hands you’ll instantly see what I’m talking about. Clear plastic is fun at times, and this semi-clear plastic is some of the best I’ve ever seen. Great color design!

Enjoy the Pics!
With Space Case* the third time we’ve looked at this mold in less than a week I again direct you to the earlier reviews — Transformers Terradive review here, Transformers Depth Charge review here — because you really do need to check all three of these to get a feel for the toy.

If more of the Hasbro Transformers movieverse toys had the transformation design and cool robot mode of Space Case* I would have many more toys from the films, but as it is this is kinda special to me because it is so much cooler and more fun than I was expecting.
Enjoy the pics!