Review – Transformers Encore Edition Soundwave

Line: Transformers * Manufacturer: Takara * Year: 2008
After looking at the Rumble and Frenzy-inspired Perfect Effect Shadow Warrior toys (review here) and the Third-Party Autoscout Cassette (review here) last month it felt like it was time to pull out Soundwave. I may not have an original 1984 version, but this Transformers Encore Edition Soundwave is just as good as the original, and it costs a hell of a lot less.
While not an exact match for the original box, this is close enough that I’m extremely happy with it. The original artwork, that purple box, and even the window design that let’s us see Soundwave and Buzzsaw are all here, so how can any of us complain about the box? It’s not perfect, but it’s dripping with so much nostalgiac charm that any problems are immediately forgotten when your eyes land on Soundwave’s beautiful painting.
Soundwave Superior
One of the most memorable of the original Transformers toys, this Soundwave is exactly the same as I remember him from my childhood. Limited articulation, a boxy design, and his battery-weapons all come together to make one of the best Transformers toys any of us can ever own. And for having such a simple transformation I’ve gotta say that the robot mode looks great; there’s just enough tape deck here that there’s no question what Soundwave transforms into; that’s a serious problem with the movie Transformers and playing with Soundwave makes me wish toy designers had been in complete control of the look of the movie robots. But that’s not important today.
No, Soundwave certainly isn’t a perfect toy, but he’s carrying so many fantastic memories that it’s tough for me to be objective each time I try to think of writing a serious, detailed review. As I mentioned the articulation is limited, but there’s just something about the toy that makes me immediately overlook any faults or flaws. If you owned a Soundwave back in the eighties I’m sure you can understand why I think the $40 or $50 this toy will cost you is money well spent. Amazon lists several different Soundwaves*, including this one for $100, but there have got to be better deals online. Or maybe I just got really lucky when I got this toy.
Besides Soundwave’s voice in the cartoon and his design, it’s gotta be the cassettes that he carries that makes him so much fun. And Hasbro, in 1984, took the right step when they included a cassette with the toy. Buzzsaw didn’t get much time in the cartoon, but once a kid got this one cassette he needed more. Hell, I’m not even a kid and I wish I had some of the later cassettes to go along with Soundwave. And I’m really happy that the Shadow Warrior toys turn Soundwave into a Targetmaster, because that’s an idea that should have been executed in the eighties when the toy was discontinued.
Sorry, but This is Nothing but Drooling
I can admit when I’m not giving you guys a serious, balanced review, and it shouldn’t come as a shock that this time around I can’t form any significant or useful thoughts beyond, “Soundwave cool!” I don’t think I’d ever really thought about it before, but it appears that Soundwave is one of those toys that really takes me back to my days as a kid and makes me remember what I loved about Transformers so much back then. All this review is actually doing is making me hope that the War for Cybertron* Soundwave gets here soon (mentioned here), because he’s gonna look incredible alongside this classic Soundwave toy. Hasbro seems to be on fire when it comes to War for Cybertron, and I hope they take the interest they’ve generated and turn it into a direct-to-DVD animated film. Traditional animation, please!
Closing Thoughts
This version of Soundwave is going to be one of those toys that is re-issued again and again, as long as the molds hold out and as long as geeks still live. The idea of a cassette deck may be out-of-date today, but until Hasbro comes up with a truly incredible new idea for Soundwave there’s no version of the toy that’s going to be superior to the original.
I’m done writing, guys. There’s nothing I can say except get yourself a Soundwave! And until you do, enjoy these pics. And then you can enjoy this review at OAFE, this review of the Encore cassettes pack, and this Soundwave re-issue review. Notice that everyone loves Soundwave 9and his cassettes)? Yeah, we’re all suckers for this toy.
Philip Reed should be ashamed of himself for this review; this isn’t a review at all! This is nothing more than an excuse to play with a toy and post pics.
It’s Soundwave. No one can blame you for blatant love.
Well said, John… well said. ๐
Thanks, guys! I figured there would be others out there who understand why the review turned into a Soundwave lovefest.
I MUST own that! Where can I get one for a reasonable price!?!? (Greatvreview by the way!)
@Reverend Ender – There have been several re-issue Soundwaves, but they always go for too much money. eBay is probably your best bet, since you can setup a search there and keep an eye on what pops up. $50 seems to be a standard price for one.
Great review! I love Soundwave!
@RevEnder: eBay is your best option, unless you want to browse forums for the chance of him popping up. If you can pay $50-ish for a TRU Commemorative that’s pretty good. The SDCC ones are in the $70-80 ball park I believe.