Review – Transformers Generations Dirge

Line: Transformers * Manufacturer: Hasbro * Year: 2010
After I reviewed the Transformers Generations Thrust toy (review here) I went right out and grabbed Dirge. Yes, he’s basically the same toy, but how could I resist after how much fun I had playing with Thrust? This review is short on words, but when looking at a toy that is slightly more than a recolor of a toy I have already reviewed it is difficult to say much that hasn’t already been said. So with that warning out of the way, let’s take a look at the Transformers Generations Dirge toy.

New Wings
As with the original release in 1985, the only thing (other than coloring) that makes Dirge different from the other “Seekers” is his new wings. These are minor new pieces, and it’s a simple modification for Hasbro to make to the toy, but these wings drastically change the look as you can see in the photo farther down the page that shows Thrust, Starscream, and Dirge all together in jet mode. A great idea when the original “Seekers” were released and executed perfectly in this newer design.

I Remember 1984
In the summer of 1984 I was twelve and some of the first Transformers I played with included one of the original three “Seeker” jets. (I can’t remember which one, exactly.) I remember being all excited about how the jet turned into a robot, and today I have to admit that it’s still a lot of fun to transform these toys between modes. Even after a quarter of a century (man, that makes me sound ancient) Transformers are fun toys and it’s great that Hasbro is still bringing us classic-inspired characters.

A Dream Pack
You know what I’d love to buy? A pack that included all six of the classic jets — Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, Dirge, and Thrust — in this newer toy design/style. I can’t be alone in saying I’d drop $75 or $80 for a box set that included all six toys. Sure it would mean I’d have some duplicates, but right now this would be a cheaper approach than trying to grab the missing jets on eBay. And how could an old Transformers fan not get excited if he walked into Wal-Mart or Target and saw a set like I’m describing?

A Few Rough Spots
In general the toy is pretty good, but there are a few seam lines and paint details that are a tad worse than I like to see. I know it’s a mass-market toy, but Dirge has some rough spots that look like they’re points where the plastic was either separated from a sprue or points where plastic was injected. I don’t know exactly how these are manufactured or what they look like raw, but I know the spots on the arm and leg are especially annoying. Nothing catastrophic, but still annoying.

I’ve Got Nothing
Either I’m just not inspired today, or Dirge here is so much like Thrust that all you need to do is look at these pics and read my Thrust review and you’ll know all you need to know about the toy. Casual fans that just want a jet that transforms into a robot can grab any of the toys that use this base mold but the hardcore nuts — yeah, the weirdos like me — will find that they want every single variant on this mold.
It’s for you guys that I took the photos of Dirge with Thrust and Starscream. Don’t the toys look great together? Can you imagine how great these shots would look if I had more “Seeker” jets? Yeah, I bet you can.
Enjoy the rest of the pics, guys. I’ll ramble at you more about some random thing later on. For now it’s time I get to work.

Philip Reed hopes that Ramjet is rereleased in the Generations line because he does not want to pay the asking price for a Universe Ramjet. Ouch!
You really, really don’t want to try and get all the versions of this mold.
That way lies madness.
They do look awesome all together:
All released so far.
beaten to the punch.
The Classics Seekers have been the bane of many a collector since the accursed Botcon 2007.
You can probably still grab a Ramjet for a somewhat decent price, but Skywarp’s going to be expensive I think. And of course, we’re still hoping and praying for a mass market release of Thundercracker.
I certainly hope that the Seeker mold will see the complete set released before it gets retired.
@powettoys and Seth L – Thanks for the links, guys! But I’ve gotta say that those pics only made me want to grab the jets even more; looks like that mold has seen more use than I realized. I’d never even thought of knockoffs using the mold.
Well, what’s a little enabling among friends then!
Clear Ghost Starscream and Thundercracker are going to be your most expensive, though they’re not hard to find.
The domestic Skywarp can still be had for decent prices with a little patience, I think.
But considering there’s seven US retail versions (one an exclusive), three botcon exclusives, then the seven japanese releases, your spoiled for choice, but not bargans.
Oh and there’s the club exclusive G2 Ramjet coming up:
@Seth L – I’m a member and plan to pre-order as soon as he’s available.
@Phil – Sweet. The mock ups look brilliant.
Have fun at the Con!