Review – Transformers K-T Figure Frenzy and Rumble

Line: Transformers * Manufacturer: Takara
Last week I popped open the Transformers K-T Figure Optimus Prime (review here) that I grabbed while in Hong Kong. And, as mentioned in the review, I also opened the other two boxes that I grabbed while in Hong Kong . . . and I was happy as hell that I pulled these Frenzy and Rumble micro statues.

As we can clearly see, Frenzy is blue. And at roughly 2.5-inches tall he is also very, very tiny. Assembly involves popping the guns on his back, adding the piledrivers to the body, and then placing the entire unit on the rocky base. Quick, easy, totally painless, and it ended with a great little Frenzy statue that looks fantastic alongside the unofficial Warrior Type-R and Warrior Type-F toys (review here) and the Frenzy and Ravage Bust (review here).

The sculpt is wonderful, really capturing the character design, but the paint has one fairly significant flaw that knocks down the overall quality of the toy: both of the piledrivers aren’t quite painted completely. Those lighter spots you see on the piledrivers are not a reflection or camera trick but are really like that in person. The pieces just didn’t get fully covered with the light blue paint. It’s annoying, but it doesn’t make me hate the statue.

The exact same toy/statue with different paint colors, I thought it would be kinda a waste to photograph the front and back of the toy for the review so I instead focused on the side shots. Between Frenzy and Rumble you can get a pretty good idea how these statues look, and I promise you that if you’re a Transformers Generation One fan and can find these for $5 or less then they’re well worth the price. And the two together look even better than if I was displaying just one of them in the collection.

Closing Thoughts
Great micro statues for what I paid, I am seriously regretting not buying a ton of these blind boxed statues when I was in Hong Kong because I just know these would have been awesome gifts and excellent trade bait. Regardless of that error, I scored big with the three pieces I did get and will happily display all three in the collection.
There are a total of five different figures in this series, and to see the two that I do not have see Updatedude’s review at his blog. That Devastator looks sweet!
Philip Reed hopes that you’ll forgive so many random and useless words in this review. Hey, at least the photos give you a decent idea of how these micro statues look.
It’s unfortunate that they are exactly the same pose.
Hasbro/Takara are doing new Rumble and Frenzy for the United/Generations/Whateveritscallednowline in 2011. Depending on how the sculpt looks, might pick one or both up. Kind of shying away from the G1 Transformers remakes now because Generations Thunderwing was a big disappointment sculptwise and now going to pass on Wreck Gar as result.
@iRenew – The photos of the new Rumble/Frenzy look pretty good to me so I’ll be grabbing them. I just hope that they’re not too tough to find. I liked Thunderwing; what were your complaints with the sculpt?