Review – Transformers: Titans Return Decepticon Quake
The Titans Return Quake* is the first repaint of an earlier Titans Return toy that I’ve ripped open and shared, and since it is a repaint of the fun Hardhead toy (review here) we know exactly what to expect before even touching the toy. Fortunately, the head portion is not simply the Hardhead Titan Master design repainted, which helps Quake to look just slightly different. What Quake needs, though, is a Targetmaster partner . . .

Where the original Hardhead toy was a Headmaster, meaning that the Titan Master design works quite well at replicating the feel of the past, the 1988 Quake was a Targetmaster toy. More importantly, Quake was one of the “double” Targetmaster toys; Quake came with two Targetmaster partners that served as separate weapons or could be plugged together to make a mega-gun.

I wish that Hasbro had taken steps to make the new Titans Return Quake* a double Targetmaster — just imagine if that large tank cannon was two robots! — but that is just me being unreasonable; Quake is every bit as fun as the Titans Return Hardhead toy (review here).

Paint Apps
The only negative difference between the Titans Return Quake* and Hardhead toys is the same problem we have discussed before: The lack of paint apps on the Target Master robot. The Takara set I reviewed in May shows how much better the toys look with paint apps, and the above pic shows the Quake and Hardhead Titan Masters together where we can see that Hasbro painted those first wave robots. A savings of a few cents dramatically weakens the overall appearance and quality of the newer toys. I could paint these myself, but I expect Hasbro to provide us with toys that don’t need DIY time.

Closing Thoughts
The Transformers: Titans Return toyline (find at*) remains the best Hasbro Transformers line in years, and other than the reduced paint apps, Quake is every bit as fun as Hardhead (review here). The transformation design is playable and intutive, the sculpt looks fabulous, and I have no problems at all saying: You need these toys!!!

But don’t just let one toy influence your decision as to whether or not to get into the Transformers: Titans Return toyline (find at*). For more, please don’t miss my other Titans Return reviews!
- Transformers: Titans Return Nightbeat
- Transformers: Titans Return Loudmouth
- Transformers: Titans Return Hardhead
- Transformers: Titans Return Terri-Bull
- Transformers: Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime
- Transformers: Titans Return Crashbash
- Transformers: Titans Return Scourge
- Transformers: Titans Return Hot Rod
- Takara Transformers Head-Master Set
- Transformers: Titans Return Fangry
- Transformers: Titans Return Blurr
- Transformers: Titans Return Titan Master Brawn
- Transformers: Titans Return Mindwipe
- Transformers: Titans Return Brawn
- Transformers: Titans Return Bumblebee