Review – Transformers: Titans Return Nightbeat
Hasbro’s Transformers: Titans Return toyline (find at*) brings the classic Headmasters back into play, bringing the kids of today a Transformers concept that was new almost three decades ago. I love the return of the Headmasters, but what I love even more is that Hasbro has introduced a line of tiny Transformers toys that blur the lines between Headmasters and Action Masters; this subline of Titan Masters with transforming vehicles is a brilliant idea that offers fun little toys at a low price.

Hasbro’s Official Press Pics
We’ve seen a few different takes on Nightbeat over the years (find Nightbeat at*), but this Titans Returns Nightbeat is the first Headmaster version of the character we’ve seen in a long time. To start, let’s take a look at Hasbro’s official Titans Return Nightbeat pics — above — and get an idea of what Hasbro told us the toy would look like. A little robot and a drill tank/jet? Cool! I’d buy that.

Robot Mode
First up for the Titans Return Nightbeat* is the toy’s robot mode. Just slightly under 1.5-inches tall, Nightbeat in robot mode has minimal paint apps and limited articulation, which isn’t shocking at all considering how tiny the toy is. Don’t expect much in the way of poseability from Nightbeat, but kids are sure to get a lot of play value out of the little bodyless Headmaster; give a kid two or three of these and one of the Titans Return Deluxe toys* and the little robots can fight each other for the body.

Drill Tank
The Titans Return Nightbeat* robot toy rides around on this little transforming tank, even if it means transforming into head mode and plugging into the back of the tank. The treads are all for show and don’t move, and there aren’t even any wheels on the bottom of the toy, but the design works. The only oddity is the yellow post that sticks off of the back; if you have one of the larger Titans Return Deluxe toys* then this tank also acts as a gun for the bigger toy. Yeah, it’s pretty weird.

Jet Mode
The small tank transforms into a jet, giving Titans Return Nightbeat* a flying vehicle to ride on. And I mean on; despite the painted cockpit on the jet, the small robot is way too big to fit inside and gets around through the air by plugging his feet into the top of the little plane. I suspect that doesn’t help the plane’s fuel efficiency at all.
Closing Thoughts
One thing that strikes me about Hasbro’s Transformers: Titans Return toyline (find at*) is that it feels like playability was one of the design goals. Offering up these little Headmaster-like Titan Master toys with vehicles was smart and they’re so cute and fun that I don’t see how any of us can not give the toys a try. Titans Return Nightbeat* is my first of the small-packed robot/vehicle sets, but I can promise that it’s not the last and you can expect to see more of these find their way in front of my camera.
I’m loving these guys even more than the larger bots. Of course, I’m weird in that I tend to enjoy the Micro Masters the most out of the entire G1 line.
@Stunt Zombie – The vehicles are very Micro Master-like and even make me think of Action Masters. I’m buying more of this line!