Robin Trapped! Kenner Super Powers Collection to the Rescue!

More excitement from the eighties and the Kenner Super Powers Collection with this toy commercial from 1985. I really should break down and start collecting some of these, at the very least a Batman and a Batmobile to go in the display with my other Batman toys and statues.

Toy makers! I command you to create some commercials today that are as silly and fun as the toy commercials that were out there when I was a kid. Maybe you can’t afford to run the commercials on television, but you can at least post them to YouTube.

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3 thoughts on “Robin Trapped! Kenner Super Powers Collection to the Rescue!

  1. Robin must have known he was screwed when they sent in Aquaman to save him!

    Seriousy fun commercial though, highlights the toys limited function while still showing they can be fun to play with.

  2. Man, I love these old commercials. My Super Powers figures (along with Secret Wars for Marvel) was how I initially became introduced to comic book characters.

    I remember thinking that Green Lantern had such a cool costume, and when my father explained to me how his power ring worked I just thought that was awesome.

    Also, Aquaman was one of my favorite figures, and I still think he is a cool character.

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