Robo Strux!

I remember when I first saw a Zoids toy. It was about 1984 or so and a friend brought a wind-up robot dinosaur to school. It was weird, a dinosaur, and fun to watch in action. Later the line was relaunched as Robo Strux, and while searching the web for robot toy commercials I ran across this beauty:
According to Wikipedia, Robo Strux were:
“. . . the second incarnation of the Zoids line seen in America and consisted entirely of recolours with no new kits. Spanning from 1985 to 1986, Robo Strux was relatively short lived and only 18 different models made it to a full release with 2 more having a ‘half release’ and a further 5 being unknown.”
Basically, they’re Zoids under another name. They’re still neat, and this commercial is a fun flashback to the mid-eighties.