
What was it about the eighties and kids climbing on toys? I know this gimmick was used more than once in the eighties, so some ad executive must have decided that we wanted giant versions of our toys.
I never had this, but I remember that I wanted one. After all, what boy in 1985 wouldn’t want a robot dinosaur toy that actually moved. If I remember right you could assemble the pieces into different machines and then use the “remote” to activate each different moving part.
I love how the announcer is the same guy from the Transformers commercials of the time. How many kids of the eighties automatically recognize this guy’s voice when they hear it?
Think that’s bad? Go check the IMDB profile for “Robotix.” Then go to the “Transformers” page…
The cartoon was what sold me on these. The toys – not so much.
That voice belongs to the legend that is Victor Caroli. Evidently, he’s still working:
I had one of these sets… it was about the most massive toys I ever owned– I LOVED it! The bad thing about them was that the plastic was quite brittle. Combine that with motors that had a serious amount of torque and… well… you get the idea. 🙁