Rodimus’ New Armor is at TFSource
The new Protector Trailer Armor for Transformers Rodimus (last mentioned here) is now at TFSource and it’s still tempting me. I have two versions of the toy and the idea of displaying one in the armor . . . well, I am sure you understand. Looks fantastic, and I can’t wait to see reviews pop up online.

Man, I should start a Kickstarter project to get me this armor upgrade for review purposes. I wonder if one hundred or so readers would each chip in a buck to secure a set so that I get photos and a review online.
I bit the bullet and ordered one today, with Sidearm and Ninja (Rosanna) and the Leader One head pack. I just didn’t want to be running around looking for it later on.
Geeze, I never thought of that. I’m embarrased to even put ads on my blog :~)
@DoctorKent – I’m anxious to hear your thoughts on the armor. And pics. We’re gonna need pics!
@Seth L – I’ve never tried the idea, but I’m seriously considering giving it a shot.
Phil – If it works I will be shamelessly stealing the idea : )