RxH/Onell Design Clear Mini-Sarvos Drops Tomorrow

At 8 pm eastern time tomorrow night (January 14) you’ll get a chance at another Real X Head and Onell Design joint toy, the clear Sarvos Mini figure. This is another colorway of the Mini-Pheyden (review here) that we’ve already seen; the Mini-Pheyden also included a Sarvos head.

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Weg Log!

Since we are now preparing to deal with another blizzard (and possible power outages), the tentative RXH Sarvos Mini release date will be Friday night, January 14th at 8PM EST. The Sarvos Mini will run $35 USD and is articulated at the neck, shoulders and waist.

I totally missed that last Pheyaos (see him at the Glyos Transmission Web Log), but maybe I’ll get lucky and get this Mini-Sarvos. Fingers crossed here, but I’ll be working when this drops so chances are I’ll also miss this guy. We’ll see what happens.

1 thought on “RxH/Onell Design Clear Mini-Sarvos Drops Tomorrow

  1. Going to have to pass on this for the infection/kabuto wave, and the upcoming callgrim stuff.

    Not that I don’t love it, and will be filled with regret later.

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