“‘Scent-sational’ toys due to hit market”
Back in April of this year I shared a 1981 magazine article titled Let’s Get Serious About Toys. The article’s author, Stephan Harrigan, said some fairly cynical things about Kenner’s Strawberry Shortcake toys. I suspect he was ranting and raving against every single thing in this July 20, 1982 newspaper article covering various toylines that had strange smells.

Strawberry Shortcake is the star of the article, but read deep enough and you’ll soon find that toymakers were fascinated with the idea of toys with odd aromas. Cotton Candy dolls, Life Savers dolls, Jelly Belly dolls, and even a line of Flowerific dolls all get a quick description. Hmmm. Now I’m wondering about those Life Savers dolls . . .

Related articles
- “Top toys of the holiday season” in 1995 (battlegrip.com)
- Savage Mondo Blitzers and Name Controversy in 1992 (battlegrip.com)
- Kenner Star Wars Tauntaun on Sale in 1982 (battlegrip.com)
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