Shadows of the Empire Mini-Comic in 1996 Micro Machines

Here’s the cover and back cover to the mini-comic packed inside the 1996 Micro Machines Shadows of the Empire II set from Galoob. Once Hasbro bought Galoob in 1998 the Micro Machines toys fell under a new owner and eventually vanished from retail. It’s great to see Star Wars Micro Machines (find at*) are again in stores, but I doubt the toys will ever reach the popularity they enjoyed two decades ago when this mini-comic was new.

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Shadows of the Empire was a monster of a project, and just the fact that mini-comics from Dark Horse were packed inside these toys shows how much effort Lucasfilm put into coordinating all of the different parts of the puzzle. I could stare at these tiny comics for hours; the Boba Fett playset ad on the back of the comic book was an unexpected and pleasant surprise.

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