Shockwave Will Stop Him!

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I don’t think it’s any secret that Shockwave is one of my favorite Transformers toys of all time. The purple laser cannon — complete with single eye and a laser in place of his left hand when in robot mode — has been a favorite ever since I first saw him in the old Transformers cartoon. And as soon as he appeared in the old Marvel comics (where he kicked major ass), Shockwave became an even cooler piece of work.
I think my favorite part of this commercial has got to be the fact that we all know that Shockwave is going to pound Jetfire. After all, Shockwave was responsible for Jetfire’s creation (way back in the Marvel comics around the same time that Shockwave created the Constructicons) and there’s no way his traitorous creation could defeat him.
Bah, Shockwave is a son of a scrapheap.
Does anyone know why Jetfire’s name was changed to Skyfire for the cartoon?
He won my heart just by being purple, ALL HAIL SHOCKWAVE!
After all these years, that gappy, buck-toothed kid STILL gives me the creeps…
Is it me, or is Shockwave’s cannon on the wrong arm?
@Wes – Great catch! The animated segment is right but the toy has the gun on the wrong arm. Is there a variant Shockwave out there or did they flip the video in editing?
I have to side with Shockwave on this one, he is the consumate badass. Love the cross promotion idea.
That kid doesn’t understand the concept of “retractable landing gear” does he?