Shogun Warriors and Micronauts Comic Subscriptions in 1979

Comic books are too expensive today, and here’s proof that comics were a far better deal when I was a kid. Fans of the Shogun Warriors ( search*) and the Micronauts ( search*) in 1979 could get 12 issues of each comic for only $9. That works out to $28.90 in today’s dollars. For a total of 24 comics, or the equivalent of paying $1.20 per issue today.

I almost bought Marvel’s latest run of Star Wars comics yesterday, but at $4/issue I’ll happily wait for the trade paperbacks. Now I know that today’s comics are printed on better paper and feature far better coloring, but are those really worth the added cost? Would we see comic book sales significantly higher if the prices were around $1/book? Just how many kids can collect multiple comics these days when they’re paying $3 and $4 per book?

I’ll go back to being old now. Get off my lawn!

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