Site Update

You’ve all noticed how slow I’ve been updating and posting new reviews. Well, tomorrow night I get home and should see life return to normal. I have many, many photos and new toys lined up and ready for review but I haven’t had time to properly put my thoughts onto the screen.

I hope you all understand.

2 thoughts on “Site Update

  1. Hey Phillip,

    I’ll be glad to see you back at full strength and writing awesome reviews again. Hope you’ve gotten much work done and things accomplished in the meantime.

    Next time you’re pressed for content, let me know, and I’ll toss in a review or two for you.

  2. @TAO – Thanks for the offer. I’ll definitely have to work harder at keeping ahead on the reviews, but the help offer is much appreciated. I may have to take you up on that when I head to Hong Kong.

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