Snot Beast v3 is Coming!
oOMoSOo’s (blog, Flickr, Etsy) bringing us a new version of my choice for Best Resin Toy of 2010 (awards post here), the Snot Beast.

There’s no solid word on a release date, but I can’t wait to get this guy to join my growing army of Snot Beast resin toys. To see the entire army check out the various reviews I’ve posted over the past year: the original, the sequel, v2, and the Trap Jaw custom.
Fun toys, and recommended if you’re a fan of cute and weird monstery guys.
glad you like where this is heading man! its funny i never really intended on having him evolve, but after seeing v.1-v.2 side by side i started thinking even more versions. There will be a few surprise castings that will be very different from my normal.