Sorry About the Lack of Updates

I’m sorry that I didn’t get many photos and updates posted from San Diego Comic Con this weekend. I spent quite a bit of my time working, and yesterday the time I had planned to spend actually seeing the show went to making sure we were ready for our big announcement.

So what did we announce? In 2012 we will publish a Munchkin booster for The Guild, the web series about gamers that has built quite a following over the last few years. Felicia Day made the announcement at her panel yesterday afternoon and it made me feel good to hear the crowd cheer.

I do have some better pics to post once I get home (photos taken with my actual camera and not my BlackBerry), but today is a travel day so please don’t expect from me until tomorrow or later.

Thank you to everyone I met at the show. It is always fun to actually meet people and it was especially cool to get the chance to meet some of you who visit the site every day.

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