Sorry Things Have Been So Slow . . .

As many of you have no doubt noticed I have been slow with the site updates and reviews over the last month or so. This is the super busy season at work and I am truly sorry, but travel is eating up a lot of my free time.

I hope to wrap up a new review later today and should be able to hit Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with new reviews next week.

I hope you guys understand, but my first rule of is that this is a hobby site and a place for me to relax. That means no stress allowed, which means that when I’m on long trips like this there will be times I fall behind.

I promise to make it up to you once all these travels are over. I’ll be sure to run another theme week; those are always fun and generate a lot of reviews.

3 thoughts on “Sorry Things Have Been So Slow . . .

  1. Thanks for running this site. I recently found it and I always find your posts interesting and you highlight items I have not seen elsewhere. Top-notch work; just wanted to say thanks. Take care.

  2. Thanks, John. What sort of toys are you most interested in, the mass market stuff or the designer stuff? I try to cover some of everything here at the site. My only guideline is: Talk about the stuff I’m interested in. So that gets toys from the 80s on here, stuff from today, and tiny artist toys with runs as low as 3 or 4.

  3. I think I like when you do the designer toys the most. I collect minimates and am getting into Kubricks. The Ashley Woods toys really got my interest. I guess I like the stuff that straddles the line between mass market and designer; the runs are big enough that you can find it and afford it and the quality is still there. Thats one of the reasons that I enjoy your site; being exposed to toys that I normally wouldn’t see.

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