Space Hawk Space Fighter Toy

In yesterday’s Star Bird post reader microbry shared a link to his review of the Space Hawk toy. Now I’d never seen this before, but as soon as I saw all of the pics in the review I was floored. Reportedly the toy is from about 1979, and from the pics we can see that it’s a monster of a spaceship. Looks amazing and I wish that we could see some packaged shots of the toy.

In a comment microbry mentions he got one of these in a sealed box . . . but where are the pics?!?! We need pics of the packaging!

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4 thoughts on “Space Hawk Space Fighter Toy

  1. Oh, also since writing that blog entry I found out it was from 1980, not 1979 (and that the box is not windowed as I had remembered it).

  2. Paul: oh, it totally is (and I mention that in the blog post). They basically turned a viper into a stubby x-wing, though it still retains the viper’s three engines and top fin. I wouldn’t be surprised if the toys stopped after a C&D. There’s a white version called Space Fighter-1 that is even more obvious (which I’ll photograph when I do the box later, though a slightly later blog post has a catalog pic of it).

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