Spawn Interlink 6
I was flipping through old issues of the Hellspawn comic when I ran across the Spawn Interlink 6 ( search*) action figure ad in issue #6 (February, 2001). That combining/transforming Spawn wave always did look cool, but I’ve never once held a single one of the toys and have no clue how they are in person.

That still doesn’t stop me from wondering how these would look on display in the collection. Six figures, looking like roughly $120 for the set, doesn’t sound too bad. I just wish that the Interlink 6 pages at were loaded with a few more pics.
The Interlink 6 review at OAFE kinda makes it sound like this line is best enjoyed from a distance . . . I just wish there were more and better pics of the figures online.
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I had a love/hate relationship with Spawn Toys. They are beautiful pieces (and they truly got better as the lines progressed), but they are basically “toys” in the loosest sense of the word. They are better categorized as “slightly poseable statues.” I have a good number of Spawn toys still, and I still love the way they look, but they might as well be bookends for me. They stay in one spot and look pretty.
From what I’ve heard about the Interlink 6 Combiner (I only have one of them), it was a great concept, but thanks to the lack of articulation and statue-ness of all McFarlane figures, it fails as a combiner.