Spider-Man Backpack from Dorman’s Cheese
We don’t see ads like this one today. From a 1986 issue of the Sectaurs comic book comes this fantastic advertisement for a Spider-Man backpack. All you need to do, kids, is buy Dorman’s Cheese and . . . wait, what? Where in the hell do we find Dorman’s Cheese? I sure as hell don’t remember anything about Dorman’s Cheese when I was a kid.
Oh, there’s the disclaimer. Dorman’s Cheese isn’t available in all areas. I guess that means all any of us can do, then, is stare at this ad and try to figure out where we can find a Spider-Man backpack of our own. Wait, even that’s probably pretty easy these days. Let me just run a quick search and . . . yep, there are several available at Amazon.com* right now.
Still, none of them are this 1986 backpack. Stupid Dorman’s Cheese. Why weren’t you in all areas when I was a kid?

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