Splurrt’s New Resin Toy at NYCC

I won’t be at the show, but you can hit this thread at Skullbrain for a look at the newest resin toy from Splurrt (website, webstore, Flickr). We looked at an earlier version of this toy back in August (mentioned here), but seeing the finished design really shows how color changes the look of a toy’s sculpt. Man, lucky guys at NYCC get all the cool toys. Have fun at the show, gang!

Click to visit Skullbrain!

Ok Splurrt heads. Here’s an update. The first resins are done. They will be available at NYCC at Toy Tokyo. Unfortunately I was crunched for time on these guys, I was trying to get a few more finished for the show, but this is my first time experimenting with this figure and I fucked a few up, Hope you all enjoy. I know, there’s a lot of cool stuff at NYCC, but I hope there are 3 people in attendance who think this guy is cool enough to pick up. I say three, because the pink isn’t for sale, it’s going to a notorious NYC pink collector.