Spook Show Trading Cards from Monsterwax

Monsterwax is offering Spook Show, a trading card set dedicated to the traveling “haunted houses” of the past. There’s 66 different cards in each set, and the 24 pack boxes also include stuff like sketch cards, foil cards, something called “gruesome gimmick” cards, and two promo cards for the series. Neat idea; it has been far too long since I looked at the Monsterwax website.
During the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, daring magicians opened movie theaters at midnight with the express purpose of “scaring the yell” out of their audience. For a $1 or less, thrill seekers witnessed black magic, gruesome illusions, and the “black out”– when glowing spirits flew overhead and the crowds ducked in terror. Then the horror flick would begin… assuming the entire audience hadn’t already fled the theater in panic!
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