Spotted Online – Exposition Elements Photos by toys3tc

I told you guys that following people on Twitter is handy. Example? toys3tc posted a tweet yesterday that led me to a Livejournal post packed with photos from the recent Exposition Elements show at Artoyz. (As always, I first heard about this show over at ToysREvil.)

The toys3tc Livejournal post has several photos of customs from the show but my favorite has to be this piece by Bunka.

Click to see the post at toys3tc.
Click to see the post at toys3tc.

3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Exposition Elements Photos by toys3tc

  1. Incredible !!! Everything is linked in this world !! I did a custom for this show !! I was there for the opening show ! Bunka one was one of my favorite two !! With the Niark & Tado !

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