Spotted Online – Reviews Masters of the Universe Classics Cy-Chop


Adam over at nailed it, I think, on the Masters of the Universe Classics Cy-Chop action figure when he wrote:

The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Cy-Chop is a figure that, if originally released in the 1980s, would likely be a returning fan favorite. Instead, it’s an all-new design which met with some friction.

I think that my own Cy-Chop review made it clear that I find the toy neat, but I don’t think I came out and said it as clearly as Adam did in his Cy-Chop review at You see, we’re all excited by different things and nostalgia is a strong motivator when it comes to liking something and Cy-Chop, as a completely new character, doesn’t gain the benefit of nostalgia that characters like King Hssss and Buzz-Off had going for them when they were first released.

And that’s too bad, because I still consider Cy-Chop to be one of the best Masters of the Universe Classics action figures released in 2012.

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