Spotted Online – 1978 Shogun Warriors Catalog at Plaid Stallions

All it takes is one simple, accidental discovery and I’m suddenly digging deeper into some thing or other. Today I’m directing your attention to the Plaid Stallions post sharing the 1978 Shogun Warriors catalog pages. Mattel did a great thing bringing these Japanese robots to the US, and I’m willing to bet that if all of my attention hadn’t been focused on Kenner’s Star Wars toys in 1978 I would have wanted at least one of these robot action figures.

Visit Plaid Stallions!
Visit Plaid Stallions!

Looking through these pages again makes me wish for a book dedicated to the Shogun Warriors toys. I confirmed in 2013 that such a book was in the works, but it looks as if we need to beg Josh over at CollectionDX to accelerate his work on the book. I want this book!

And I bet I’m not alone.