Spotted Online – 3 Reasons Why ‘Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Will Fail
Leo Sun, in “3 Reasons Why ‘Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Will Fail”, nails down my exact complaints with the 2016 Batman vs. Superman movie, running through three points that I agree with 100%. In the article, Sun states:
” . . . you get one of two things — the most epic live action clash of DC superheroes and supervillains on the big screen to date, or a disastrous supernova that wipes out the fledgling “DC Cinematic Universe.” “
Sun lists too many characters, impatience by the creatives, and the writer and director both having tendencies to make less-than-amazing films as the three reasons why he expects the 2016 Batman vs. Superman movie to fail.
The article even uses prior films to illustrate how too many characters leads to poor critical response — though I feel X-Men 3 should have been another example in his reasoning — and I cannot wait to see how the creators on this new film plan to introduce everyone and tell a fun story in a single film.

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Impatience by the creatives is a big issue. I don’t think WB is going to take the time to create a convincing universe, and audiences will check out before it really gets off the ground.
Of course, somehow transformers movies are still going strong, so I’ve been wrong before.
My own biggest concern is that I didn’t think Man of Steel was very good – serviceable, but pretty generic and lacking soul. First DC Universe movie out of the gate and I’m already not invested in this storyline.
Here’s an excellent look-back at Man of Steel, a year after the fact. It does a great job highlighting what worked and what didn’t. (Spoiler, the the cons out-weigh the pros). I do think there is hope for BvS, but only if the filmmakers learn from their mistakes. Since most of the same people are involved, that seems unlikely. 🙁