Spotted Online – 5 Questions With > Geoff Johns at Poe Ghostal’s Site

It’s very possible that you’ve already seen 5 Questions With > Geoff Johns — an interview with writer of DC’s Blackest Night event — over at Poe Ghostal’s site. Well, for those of you who don’t follow his site (or follow him on Twitter) you now know about this short interview.

And it’s about toys, not comics. Including the revelation that Johns wants to write a Masters of the Universe comic. Which immediately led to: “Why isn’t there a Masters of the Universe comic today?” That makes absolutely no sense to me; with the Masters of the Universe Classics line hitting hard I would have thought that someone would have approached Mattel about a license. (I’m thinking Boom or IDW could do a good job with this property. Just imagine Ashley Wood covers on a Masters of the Universe comic.)

Anyway, you can read the interview here.