Spotted Online – A Fan Screams for New Robotech

Well, “screams” may be too strong of a word, but writer Jen Heddle writes in this post at io9 that the Robotech series should benefit from the wave of eighties remakes and that someone needs to get to work on a new version of the old animated series. The post is worth reading if you’re at all interested in the property, but if you’re someone like me who pretty much only knows of Robotech because of the old roleplaying game ( search*) then you’ll probably get all you need just by searching the web for Robotech images.

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That’s not to say that I wouldn’t give a Robotech remake a chance, but it would have to be seriously awesome to really capture my attention. And I doubt that anyone will ever treat the series as a dramatic, serious affair . . . I do not need a silly look at what’s a fairly goofy old animated series. Give me something as dramatic and well-written as Saving Private Ryan — but with mecha and aliens — and I’m there.

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