Spotted Online – A Reason to Skip My Plans for Next Week

Well, it looks like Articulated Discussion has beat me to it and launched G.I. Joe Week over at the site. That’s exactly what I was planning to start on Sunday, but now it would just look like I was copying Articulated Discussion.

I’ll still have some G.I. Joe posts over the next week, but I won’t devote the entire site to Joe for the week. Actually, this makes my weekend a little easier since I had planned to put together all of the reviews for next week over the weekend. (Theme weeks are always more work since I try to have one new review each day instead of just three reviews for the week.)

I guess I’d better put some serious thought into my next theme week and not plan for something quite so obvious.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – A Reason to Skip My Plans for Next Week

  1. Haha, seems like everyone is running GI Joe week. I swear I had the idea first though!

    Seriously, I put up the banner in my flickr account last week and was going to start this past week, but decided against it because I’m lazy.

    Whatever. I’m running a Doctor Who weekend and then a full week of Joe next week.

    I guarntee I have at least one little thing planned that no one else does.

    But yeah, apparently we’re an unoriginal lot.

  2. That’s just another reason for me to skip G.I. Joe week. Besides, now I can enjoy two sites of G.I. Joe material and not have to worry about keeping up with you guys. 🙂

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