Spotted Online – Acid Rain Coverage at It’s All True and the Acid Rain World Blog

I know that I just posted about these (pre-order links here), but now that I’ve run across the It’s All True post I’ve no choice but to dig even deeper into the new line of 3.75-inch scale action figures and vehicles. These truly do look astounding, and if you check the official Acid Rain World blog I think you’ll see why I’m now one step closer to pre-ordering one of the toys.

Visit Acid Rain World!
Visit Acid Rain World!

Check the Stronghold tank review at It’s All True, explore all of the packaging artwork at the Acid Rain World blog, and then tell me you’re not even just a little tempted by the line. Go on, say it! Because I’m more than a little tempted and am certain to get at least one of these vehicles in the future.

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