Spotted Online – Action League Superman and Bizarro Review
The flood of tiny, stylized, and extremely cute action figures continues to overwhelm store shelves. I’ve grabbed only a handful of the little guys, but only because I’m protecting myself from the desire to snag every single Clone Trooper and Stormtrooper micro toy on the planet. But just because I’m watching myself doesn’t mean that I’m also watching others, and today I’m pointing you at this Action League review at Infinite Hollywood.

These toys were on the peg at Wal-Mart a few days ago and I took a little time looking them over and trying to decide if they looked cool enough to grab. In the end, though they really looked fantastic, I decided it was safer to just leave them there. And now this review rubs it in my face. I’ll resist you, World, because there’s no way I need to start collecting these cute toys.
But I will keep enjoying reviews. And knowing me I’ll probably regret my decision . . . but not until the toys have been off shelves for several years.