Spotted Online – Armarauders from Mecha Workshop

Transformers: War Within* artist Don Figueroa has a new series of toys in the works and we can get peeks at the pilots in posts at both The Daytime Ninja and Toyark. Tiny little pilots . . . and now we wait for some snaps of the mecha that they pilot.

Visit the Daytime Ninja!

And if toy photos aren’t enough to keep you entertained there’s also this nine minutes Armarauders motion comic illustrated by Figueroa that sets the stage for the toyline. Looks great, has a very anime-feel at times (especially in the voice acting and pacing), and while it’s not something I’m loving I can appreciate all of the work that went into this. (Sorry, but most anime pacing and voice acting really aren’t my thing.)

The ending was unexpected. Watch the motion comic if you’re a fan of anime stories about powered armor, soldiers, and alien monsters.

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5 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Armarauders from Mecha Workshop

  1. Yeah, I’m ridiculously excited for this line. Rumor has it the Pilot, Mech, and Gantry/Display base will all come packaged together.

    Hefty price tag I’m sure, but it looks like it’ll be worth it. I’ve been wanting something like this for a long, long time.

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