Spotted Online – Articulation Rant

Updatedude has posted an admitted rant titled Point of Articulation in which he says:

“I think my point’s made. Sometimes, a toy is only as good as the toy it plays off of. Points of articulation in and of itself, while nice, can be bloody useless without proper “support”. And that’s even before we get into talking about figures with lots of PoA but can’t even frickin’ stand on their own power, ala Revoltech.”

Excellent point (heh), especially in regards to the Revoltech figures. They’re awesome toys, but sometimes their articulation can be too much and without the included stand they just can’t hold some poses.

Point of Articulation is worth a read.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Articulation Rant

  1. I posted a Revoltech Starscream review back in January. I’ll try to get another one posted during April. They’re the best non-transforming Transformers that I’ve ever seen.

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